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Get the OpenBangsamoro Database metadata




A tibble containing metadata information regarding the OpenBangsamoro Database.


Ernest Guevarra


#>  Reading from Bangsamoro Open Data Inventory.
#>  Range ''Metadata'!2:10000000'.
#> # A tibble: 25 × 4
#>    Label      Definition                                Comment `Other comments`
#>    <chr>      <chr>                                     <chr>   <chr>           
#>  1 Type       The nature or genre of the resource.      Recomm… File type of da…
#>  2 Category   NA                                        NA      Spatial or stat…
#>  3 Title      A name given to the resource.             Typica… NA              
#>  4 Subject    The topic of the resource.                Typica… NA              
#>  5 Source     A related resource from which the descri… The de… NA              
#>  6 Rights     Information about rights held in and ove… Typica… NA              
#>  7 Relation   A related resource.                       Recomm… NA              
#>  8 Publisher  An entity responsible for making the res… Exampl… NA              
#>  9 Language   A language of the resource.               Recomm… NA              
#> 10 Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource… Recomm… NA              
#> # ℹ 15 more rows